
Canine parvovirus infection is one of the most common well-known diseases in dogs caused by CPV 2 strains with high morbidity and mortality rates. The present communication documents the effect of intravenous administration of immunoglobulin in the rise of leucocyte count in dogs with parvo viral infection. Confirmation of the canine parvovirus infection was carried out by the detection of CPV antigen in the faeces of dogs by chromatographic immunoassay principle and these dogs were negative for CCV antigen, ancylostoma infection. Six dogs aged between 2 to 6 months were selected to administer the purified immunoglobulin in addition to the symptomatic and fluid therapy. Therapeutic response was noticed by elevation in the leucocyte count on the fifth day of therapy. In conclusion, it is highly recommended the administration of immunoglobulin at the early stage of infection will be helpful in fast recovery and saving the dogs.

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