
In this paper we have attempted to clarify the taxonomy and nomenclature of thirteen taxa of the genus Cortinarius subgenus Telamonia (sections Hydrocybe, Fraternii) well represented in the southwestern Mediterranean area of Europe ( C. atrocoeruleus, C. bombycinus, C casimiri, C. contrarius, C. decipiens, C. fraternus, C. gallurae, C. hoffmannii, C. petroselineus, C. sertipes, C. subturibulosus, C. urdaibaiensis and C. vernus). To this end we have performed a combined study of morphological and molecular data (rDNA ITS sequences). The morphological analysis was carried out on 114 collections and the molecular analysis involved 31 of the 114 collections, including 11 type collections (types for C. casimiri and C. fraternus were not available). In addition, a study of spores under field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was conducted. The results of the combined analysis allowed us to asign the studied material to five species ( C. casimiri s.l., C. decipiens s.l., C. gallurae, C. subturibulosus s.l. and C. vernus s.l.). Thus, all collections from more continental areas, which were originally identified as six different taxa ( C. atrocoeruleus, C. contrarius, C. decipiens, C. fraternus, C. sertipes, C. flexipes fo. sertipes) corresponded to C. decipiens sensu lato, a widely distributed, genetically and morphologically variable species. Cortinarius casimiri is also found in such habitats, but it is confirmed as distinct taxon. Collections from Mediterranean sclerophyllous communities correspond to C. gallurae, C. vernus sensu lato and C. subturibulosus sensu lato. Due to close phylogenetic relationships we propose the new combinations C. casimiri var. hoffmannii (= C. decipiens var. hoffmannii non C. hoffmannii) and C. subturibulosus var. bombycinus (= C. bombycinus), and the new variety C. vernus var. nevadavernus (= C. vernus H. Lindstr. & Melot sensu auct.).

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