
Computer supported collaborative learning methods are considered beneficial in terms of learning purposes directed to students with learning disabilities since they do raise students’ interest and engagement in the learning procedure, enhance their cognitive abilities and assist them to develop self-esteem, problem-solving strategies and, finally, a solid collaborative attitude. The present paper intends to briefly present the benefits of computer-supportive collaborative learning activities as well as demonstrate specific practices and paradigms concerning the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs in Secondary Education in Greece. To reach this target, the researchers proceed to an ICT literature review associated with computer-mediated collaborative and inclusive learning methods in Greek Secondary Education. Therefore, this paper concludes that there has been a lack of significant progress with respect to establishing collaborative inclusive learning environments in Greece. The reason behind this situation lies in the fact that such an educational perspective had not yet been constitutionalized as an indispensable and methodologically clarified component of the political agendas which set the prerequisites regarding the practical implementation of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in the Greek educational system.

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