
Production of waste in unpredictable amounts is almost in every part of metal and non metal casting trade. These wastes can be converted to material goods if processed for vital improvement of valuables provided it is cost-effective. Random dumping of these wastes may lead to environmental problems and therefore, presently the reuse of the waste materials in various fields is seen for fairly various periods. Copper slag is a waste product generated during the smelting process for the production of copper. It has been estimated that for every tonne of copper produced, about 1.8-2.2 tonnes of copper slag is generated as a waste. Due to increase in production capacity of copper, copper slag getting accumulated require additional dumping space and causing wastage of good cultivable land. The present paper discusses the laboratory test results of coefficient of permeability tests conducted on copper slag mixed with cement and lime. The copper slag mixed with lime and cement in various percentages were kept for curing and then tested after 7, 14, 28 days. Effective results were observed for the coefficient of permeability of copper slag on addition of lime and cement from 0% to 10%. There is a decrease in coefficient of permeability value as the percentage of addition of lime and cement increases and with the curing period. The coefficient of permeability is very high for copper slag alone. When copper slag is mixed with a binding material like lime or cement, there is a reduction in permeability. Also upon mixing the same with an expansive soil, it may be suitable to reduce the swelling characteristics by developing pozzolanic reactions.

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