
洪泽湖生态系统健康状态为中等, 并呈逐年退化的趋势, 因此开展洪泽湖健康水生态系统构建方案的研究十分必要.本文分析了洪泽湖水生态系统健康状态、水体分区特征以及存在的主要问题, 根据水文条件和水生态状况的差异, 将洪泽湖划分为3种具有典型特征的湖区:过水通道(从淮河入湖口至入江水道)、湿地保护区和成子湖区.针对不同湖区在水质、水生生物和水文条件方面存在的显著差异, 按照修复生境条件-恢复水生植物-调控系统结构的总体思路, 提出了过水通道水文调控与生态修复、湿地自然保护区保育、成子湖生态系统恢复与蓝藻应急控制、湖泊生态系统结构优化与调控等一系列措施, 形成洪泽湖健康水生态系统构建方案, 为恢复健康的洪泽湖水生态系统提供切实可行的依据。;The healthy status of aquatic ecosystem in Lake Hongze is intermediate, but its ecosystem showed a trend of degradation year by year.It is necessary to build a scheme for healthy aquatic ecosystem of Lake Hongze before it will degrade further.The present study estimated the health status of aquatic ecosystem and investigated the characteristics and main problems.Three typical sub-areas, namely, water channel (from Huaihe Estuay of Lake Hongze to river-discharging channel), wetland protection area and Chengzi Lake were classified according to their properties of water quality, vegetation and hydrogeology.Following a general idea of biotope restoration-aquatic plants recovery-aquatic system adjustment, a feasible scheme of building a healthy aquatic ecosystem for the different sub-areas was developed.The content included hydrological adjusting and ecological restoration of water channel, recovery and conservation of wetland, ecosystem recovery and algal bloom control in Chengzi Lake, improving and adjusting the ecosystem in Lake Hongze.

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