
Changing of brain resulting from brainfag is discussed in this paper. According to the system cluster analysis on EEG data of the subjects, we can get the methods of estimating brain fatigue. Moreover, this study also provides us the theoretical basis and some basic experimental evidence to make a scientific forecast of brainfag. Twelve right-handed, no-smoking healthy subjects took part in the study. There are many events that can trigger the brainfag, so we did different experiments that included closing eyes, ingesting some alcohol, counting and hearing. EEG data were recorded with the international 10/20 system, and then we use clustering method to analyze the EEG data. The method of analysis is system cluster analysis analysis. Processing and statistic analysis of EEG data has performed using EEG analysis toolbox and program of system cluster analysis. After EEG signal analysis, we found that the electrodes were separated into three clusters located in frontal & central area, occipital area and temporal area in the normal state. Most electrodes in frontal, central and occipital area got together and formed into a cluster after they ingested some alcohol, and then the cluster separated gradually with the increase of ingesting alcohol. After counting, the EEG signal from left-brain was very different from signals from right-brain and the clusters mostly were distributed longitudinally. After hearing, the EEG signal from left-brain was also different from signals from right-brain and the result of clustering was the same as counting. All the phenomenons tell us that A little alcohol can strong the relatives of subjectspsila frontal and occipital head EEG signal. At the same time, due to alpha rhythm is a stronger part between 4 Hz and 30 Hz, alpha rhythm is gradually enhanced and the area of alpha rhythm is expanded after alcohol ingestion, however, the cluster separated gradually with the increase of ingesting alcohol. This indicate that too much drinking maybe lead to the decrease of equilibrium, stability between the parts of brain and the increase of containment procedure and brainfag. The left brain is in charge of counting and comprehension of language, so the left brain was in the state of fatigue during counting and hearing. The change led to the correlation weakening between brainpsilas left area and right area and then longitudinal distribution of the clusters appeared.

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