
Biochemical  methods,  usually  microbial or enzymatic, are  suitable  for  the  production  of  unnatural  or  rare monosaccharides.  D-Arabitol was produced from D-glucose by fermentation with Candida famata R28.  D-xylulose can be produced from D-arabitol using Acetobacter aceti IFO 3281. D-Lyxose was produced enzymatically from D-xylulose using L-ribose isomerase (L-RI). Ribitol was oxidized to L-ribulose by microbial bioconversion with Acetobacter aceti IFO 3281 whereas L- ribulose was epimerized to L-xylulose by the enzyme D-tagatose-3-epimerase. L- Lyxose was produced by isomerization of L-RI. Moreover, L-ribose and L-arabinose were prepared biochemically from ribitol by oxidation using Acetobacter aceti IFO 3281 and isomerization using L- RI and L-arabinose  isomerase  (L-AI),  respectively. Other pentoses can be produced as well by cell or enzyme bioconversions. This study provides important information for rare sugar preparation and importance.

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