
Noninvasive measurement of blood glucose concentration has become a hotspot research in the world due to its characteristic of convenient, rapid and non-destructive etc. The blood glucose concentration monitoring based on photoacoustic technique has attracted many attentions because the detected signal is ultrasonic signals rather than the photo signals. But during the acquisition of the photoacoustic signals of glucose, the photoacoustic signals are not avoid to be polluted by some factors, such as the pulsed laser, electronic noises and circumstance noises etc. These disturbances will impact the measurement accuracy of the glucose concentration, So, the denoising of the glucose photoacoustic signals is a key work. In this paper, a wavelet shift-invariant threshold denoising method is improved, and a novel wavelet threshold function is proposed. For the novel wavelet threshold function, two threshold values and two different factors are set, and the novel function is high order derivative and continuous, which can be looked as the compromise between the wavelet soft threshold denoising and hard threshold denoising. Simulation experimental results illustrate that, compared with other wavelet threshold denoising, this improved wavelet shift-invariant threshold denoising has higher signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) and smaller root mean-square error (RMSE) value. And this improved denoising also has better denoising effect than others. Therefore, this improved denoising has a certain of potential value in the denoising of glucose photoacoustic signals.

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