
The edgewise method is the most frequently used treatment to control tooth alignment in orthodontics. Buonocore described bonding between acrylic resin and enamel in 1955. In orthodontic dentistry, bonding is typically performed on healthy enamel. This bonding method was applied to orthodontic dentistry, and a direct bonding method in which brackets are directly bonded to teeth was subsequently developed in 1965. 3 Manipulation of the materials and esthetics have been improved by the development of the direct bonding system. Due to improvements in bonding technology, enamel and brackets are solidly bonded during the dynamic treatment period. Previous studies on the direct bonding method mainly focused on improving the bond strength, and obtaining satisfactory results. Disadvantages of this technique include pain and damage to the enamel during bracket removal due to the increased bond strength. These issues need attention. The adhesive should bond directly to the tooth surface set quickly in the moist oral environment, retain a solid bond against complex oral and orthodontic forces, and allow for easy removal of the brackets without pain or damage to the enamel. We used three resin adhesives with different surface treatments. Bond strength of the bracket to the enamel and damage during bracket removal were compared for the three adhesives on extracted bovine teeth. Special attention was paid to chronological changes in the bond strength in water and injury to the enamel on removal. We established an easy and durable bonding method and determined the bond strength of the orthodontic brackets to the enamel.

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