
We present an X-ray analysis of a 4 Gyr old open cluster, M67, using archival XMM–Newton data. The aim of this study was to find new X-ray members of M67, and to use the updated member list for studying X-ray variability, and derive the X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) of different stellar types and compare them with other star clusters of similar age. We report the detection of X-ray emission from 25 members of M67, with membership based primarily on their proper motion, of which one X-ray source is a new member. Supplementing this study with previous ROSAT and Chandra studies of M67, and using the most recent proper motion study by Vereshchagin et al., we have compiled a revised list of X-ray emitting members of M67 consisting of 43 stars. 16 of these are known RS CVn type binaries having orbital periods <10 d, and near-circular orbits, five are contact binaries with orbital periods <6 h, five are yellow and blue stragglers, two are Algol-type binaries, and one source is a cataclysmic variable. 14 members do not have any orbital information and cannot be classified. 14 of the X-ray sources detected do not have any optical counterpart down to a magnitude of V ≃ 22, and their membership is uncertain. Finally, we report the XLFs of RS CVn type and other types of stars in M67 and compare them with other open clusters of intermediate-to-old age.

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