
Histogram equalization (HE) works well on single channel images for contrast enhancement. However, the technique used is ineffective on multiple channel images. So, it is not suitable for consumer electronic products, where preserving the original brightness is necessary in order not to introduce unnecessary visual deterioration. Bi-histogram equalization (BHE) has been developed and it is analyzed mathematically.BHE separates the input image's histogram into two, based on its mean before equalizing them independently so that it can preserve the original brightness up to certain extends. Recursive Mean-Separate Histogram Equalization (RMSHE) is another technique to provide better and scalable brightness preservation for gray scale and color images. While the separation is done only once in BHE, RMSHE performs the separation recursively based on their respective mean. It is analyzed mathematically that the output images mean brightness will converge to the input images mean brightness as the number of recursive mean separation increases. The recursive nature of RMSHE also allows scalable brightness preservation, which is very useful in consumer electronics. Finally a comparative study was made to analyze all the above methods using gray scale and color images.

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