
IT Industry is characterized by changes in the technologies and software thus putting pressure on the employees to upgrade their skills, Industry faces higher rates of employee turnover; which brings problems for organizations where IT Professionals are employed, IT Industry have high Employee turnover due changes in the Technologies. The Turnover brings hidden costs to the firms i.e lower morale, loss of corporate memory, disruption in work schedule, loss of competitive advantage, and transfer of their tacit knowledge to the competitors. In this study we have studied turnover intentions among employees of the IT firms using contextual model adopted from Lee (2000) this contextual model is applied to Hyderabad Software House, Sindh, Pakistan. IT professionals were surveyed through questionnaires. The dependent variable is Turnover Intentions, other variable (Independent) such as job satisfaction, role ambiguity, role conflict, motivating potential score. This research has identified that the role variables (i-e: role conflict, role ambiguity) have no influence on job satisfaction and that motivating potential has a positive influence on the Job satisfaction of Information Technology professionals. Turnover intentions (dependent variable) are predicted by Job Satisfaction of IT Professionals. Recommendations are then made for employers to introduce policies and programs, which may bring out positive changes in the Job of IT professionals by taken into account the factors of motivation.

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