
Fort Van Den Bosch is a historical heritage of the Dutch colonial government which is currently being developed to become one of the leading tourist destinations in Ngawi Regency, East Java. The aim of this study are (1) to identify the tourist attraction of Fort Van Den Bosch, (2) to analyze the development of the tourist attraction of Van Den Bosch fort. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained from observation and interviews. Secondary data was obtained from literature studies and documentation. The technical analysis used in this study included the assessment of tourist attraction based on 4A (Attraction, Facility, Accessibility, Ancilliary), and SWOT analysis. The results of the study show that the Fort Van de Bosch Tourism has four components of tourism objects, among others, the availability of a complete attraction of natural, cultural and artificial attraction, has facilities (facilities) that are complete, Accessibility (accessibility) that is easy to pass, and also has an Ancilliary (service) that supports, and based on the analysis of the SWOT method of Van Den Bosch fort tourism is quite feasible to be developed with a total value of X = 1.35 and Y = 0.75 with the location of quadrant I which supports the "aggressive" strategy. The area of ​​the tourist attraction Van Den Bosch in general can accommodate a total of 560 people per day for outbound activities, historical tours, photography, labyrinth parks and relaxing.

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