
<p>本研究旨在探討布農族女性居服員的工作動機、工作感受與文化照顧之經驗,為達此研究目的,研究採取質性研究半結構式訪談法針對六位布農族女性居服員進行資料的蒐集與分析。研究結果顯示薪資福利與彈性接案是布農族女性居服員主要從業動機。工作感受包括陪伴是最好的照顧,服務歷程工作滿意度高。在文化照顧經驗方面,認為文化照顧應順應部落長者生活習慣,讓原住民族照顧部落族人,對於部落長者的生活習慣較為了解,扮演與部落長者之間重要的連線基礎,能夠相互了解、溝通、有效地互動。循此,本文依研究所得結果提出幾項建議與省思:一、提升照顧工作內在動機與外在動機;二、運用原鄉的力量,打造部落文化照顧的網絡。本研究認為文化照顧與文化復振是部落推動長照的重點,期許未來有更臻完善的發展,更希冀本研究能提供原鄉發展長期照顧政策參考,以及提升長照服務人力的專業照顧形象。</p> <p> </p><p>This study aims to examine the motivations for work, job perception, and experiences of culturally sensitive care of female Bunun home care workers. In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from six female Bunun home care workers. Analysis revealed that salary, benefits, and flexible caseload are the primary motivations of work for female Bunun home care workers. Feelings in work include the perception of companionship as the best care and high job satisfaction in the process of providing services. In terms of experiences of culturally sensitive care, this study found that tribal elders’ living habits should be respected in providing culturally sensitive care. In addition, indigenous people, more aware of their living habits, can play an important role in connecting with tribal elders. Hence, care of tribal elders by indigenous people can ensure that the givers and receivers of care understand, communicate, and interact effectively with each other. Based on the findings of this study, this paper proposes several recommendations and reflections: First, internal and external motivations for care work should be improved; second, the power of indigenous tribes should be utilized to build a tribal culturally sensitive care network. This study holds that culturally sensitive care and cultural revitalization are key to the promotion of long-term care by indigenous tribes, and future improvements in these aspects are expected. Furthermore, it is also expected that this study can serve as a reference for indigenous tribes’ policy of promoting long-term care and can help to enhance the professional image of caregivers of long-term care services.</p> <p> </p>

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