
The purpose of this study was to evaluate if the use of intraoral scanner analysis could help students to optimise their performance and their self-assessment abilities in prosthetic preparation without the teacher's assistance in the preclinical course. Ninety-five second-year dental students were randomly divided into three groups: Control group (C), CeRec group (CR) and PrepCheck group (PC). Group C only use silicon keys to control the preparation thickness. The students in Group CR analysed their work with Cerec™ software. The Group PC use a pedagogic software (PrepCheck™) which allowed comparison with the "master" preparation. They used control tools preparations for three consecutive training sessions. Then a final assessment session without control tool to evaluate their performance was organised. All preparations were objectively evaluated thanks to stl. analysis software (Geomagic® Control X). Each preparation was compared with the master preparation by defining tolerance ranges. An objective overall score out of 20 was assigned to each preparation according to their degree of correspondence. In addition, a questionnaire was performed to analyse the students' perceptions regarding the use of intraoral camera. During the assessment session, no significant difference was revealed between the different groups with respect to the students' performance. The comparative analysis between the self-assessment scores and the objective scores using Geomagic® software showed that digital control tools did not help the student to improve their self-assessment abilities without the teacher's assistance. The intraoral cameras and specific pedagogic software in autonomy could not improve students' performance for teeth preparation and self-assessment abilities in second year. These digital tools facilitate objective feedback on preparation defects, but constructive criticism needs human reflection. The teacher's opinions and advice remain essential to develop their students' performance and self-assessment skills. The use of digital tools must be integrated in dentistry course to develop the interpret of the results and optimise feedback.

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