
In previous publications it has been reported that the Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI) test may be expected to be reactive in untreated or treated late syphilis. * This study of seroreactivity in patients having untreated and treated late syphilis was undertaken to compare the sensitivity in late syphilis of the TPI test, as modified by Portnoy, Harris, and Olansky, with other serologic tests for syphilis, e. g., Kahn quantitative, Kolmer (cardiolipin) quantitative, and VDRL slide flocculation test quantitative. CLINICAL MATERIAL One hundred and twenty patients having untreated or treated late syphilis were selected from inpatients and outpatients attendant at the Delgado Outpatient Clinic, New Orleans; Board of Health venereal disease clinic, Chicago; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; and Macon County Health Department, Tuskegee, Ala. In all patients, spinal fluid examinations had been performed at some time, and serologic tests for syphilis were performed at

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