
This study evaluated the impact of light exposure and storage conditions on sports beverages enriched with phenolic extracts from jaboticaba peel and blueberry pulp over a period of 91 days. The analysis encompassed various parameters, including microbial assessments, phenolic content, anthocyanin concentrations, color coordinates, and the stability of anthocyanin compounds. The results indicated that the applied heat treatment effectively maintained the beverages' microbiological safety, with the phenolic-rich extracts showcasing antimicrobial properties. Both beverages exhibited stability in total phenolic content. However, anthocyanin concentrations experienced significant reductions, although certain stabilizing factors, such as interactions between anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, contributed to color preservation. The study highlights the complexities of anthocyanin degradation and its effects on the color, flavor, and antioxidant properties of these enriched sports beverages.

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