
Central Maluku district is one of the priorities region in the development of paddy fields in the province of Maluku. Maluku province was only able to meet the needs of 58% of the rice. Fulfillment needs rice is one of the Government’s efforts in food self-sufficiency. Increased agricultural productivity through the extension of new rice fields became one alternative settlement in fulfilment of rice. The increase in rice production through the expansion of rice fields is still possible. The success of the process of the expansion of paddy fields depend on the expansion of the activities in the rice production. The process of the expansion of rice fields is preceded by feasibility investigation location. Feasibility study of the site was conducted to find out the feasibility of potential land with the observations in the field which is then processed and spatial dianalis in using ArcGIS software. Results of a survey investigating the Central Maluku with the total area of 594.29 ha based on the suitability of the land for the potential expansion of new acres of rice paddies 587.35 ha from 2 (two) subdistricts include North Eastern Seram Subdistrict Kobi m2 170.87 ha and North Seram Subdistrict covering 416.82 ha.

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