
We report on transverse field (TF) Muon Spin Rotation (μSR) measurements on a single crystal of the hexagonal heavy fermion superconductor UNi2Al3 between 5 K and 300 K. From the measured muon Knight shift (KS) in the easy ( a , b )-plane and along the c-axis we extracted the local magnetic susceptibility tensor [0pt] , which arises from the nearest U-neighbors. By comparison with the bulk susceptibility [0pt] it is found that [0pt] and [0pt] agree well above 150 K but deviate considerably in the basal plane below 150 K, due to the disturbance introduced by the . We succeed in reproducing both [0pt] and [0pt] on the basis of a crystalline electric field (CEF)-approach assuming U to be in the tetravalent state. The disturbance introduced by the affects the CEF-Hamiltonian in an expected manner, suggesting strongly that a CEF-picture implying a rather local 5 f-electron wave function is indeed valid. Reanalyzing older data on UPd2Al3 we arrive at the same conclusion. A necessary condition for extracting the local susceptibility was the knowledge of the -site, this information was derived from the analysis of the TF-relaxation rates. At low temperatures we found about 30% of the implanted at the d-site and none at this site above 200 K. The majority fraction was found to be in a tunneling state over six m (or k)-sites around the b-site. No long range diffusion was seen up to room temperature.

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