
Objective: The purpose of the present work was to to determine the content of mineral elements in annual shoots with leaves and in the fruits of wild individuals of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) from two different places of growth in comparison with their content in the soil under the plants. Material and Method: The annual shoots with leaves of red oak with soil samples under plants were collected in August 2022 and fruits collected in September 2022 in Ukraine in the mixed forests near Tynne village (Rivne Oblast) and near Lisnyky village (Kyiv Oblast). The research was carried out by the X-ray fluorescence method on the “ElvaX-med” energy dispersive spectrometer. Result and Discussion: As a result of the study, both types of raw materials of Quercus rubra (annual shoots with leaves and fruits) revealed the presence of 4 macro- (S, Cl, K, Ca), 8 micro-(Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr, Pb) and 4 ultramicroelements (Cr, Co, Ni, Zr). It was determined that red oak plants are concentrators of potassium and sulfur from the soil (which is indicated by the high content of these macroelements both in the soil under the plants and in all studied raw materials). A high content of calcium in the raw material of red oak from both locations was noted, and this content is apparently characteristic of the plant itself, regardless of the soil on which it grows.

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