
Leaf epidermis structure of 13 Fagonia taxa has been studied by Light microscope (LM) andScanning electron microscope (SEM). Anomocytic stomata type, different trichomes features,cuticular ornamentation and stomatal levels are determined. Results allow clear definition andidentification of the taxa. Among all the studied characters, cuticle ornamentation and trichomesfeatures were noticeable to characterize each taxa of Fagonia.The present studies recorded about 27 different trichomes,18 glandular, 8 non-glandular and onespecial structure trichome. Some taxa were free from glandular trichomes and others were freefrom non-glandular trichome beside the taxa which have the two types of the trichomes. Threetypes of trichome ornamentation are recorded in these work; smooth, papillose and warty. Thecuticular ornamentation recorded three types’ favulariate, straiated and wrinked. On the basis ofobservation we created a key for distinguishing Fagonia taxa.

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