
A sustainable development idea known as "green building" aims to make better use of resources such as electricity, water, materials, and land. Green buildings offer many more financial advantages than traditional structures, such as improved indoor environmental quality and water and energy savings. They also have lower operating and maintenance costs. Organizations in the Sri Lankan green construction industry should do an industrial analysis because this market is still growing and may experience challenging business circumstances. By conducting such a strategic study, they may be able to determine their own comprehensive green construction strategies. As a result, the environmental framework serves as a comprehensive and practical tool. A literature analysis and a questionnaire survey were employed in a quantitative approach to determine the barriers to adopting this concept. Common preferences and their ranking laid the groundwork for finalizing the questionnaire. PESTEL environmental framework was used to evaluate the elements that influence the acceptance of the green building idea. The findings demonstrate which environmental factors were most influential in convincing Sri Lanka's construction sector to embrace the Green Building concept. Second and third, a correlation and regression analysis were utilized to show the linkages and consequences of PESTEL perspectives discovered in Sri Lanka to adopt this notion.

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