
The article presents the materials of studies of foliar top dressing with organomineral fertilizers on the productivity and quality of grain of agricultural crops in the conditions of dark chestnut soils of the Saratov Left Bank. It is shown that the application of an organic microelement complex (OMEC) contributes to an increase in yield compared to the control at the level of 0.28 t/ha (winter wheat), 0.07 t/ha (chickpeas and sunflower) and 0.23 t/ha (corn). An analysis of the quality of the products showed that after foliar fertilization with an organic microelement complex (OMEK) these values were higher compared to the control and after application of Bionex-Kemi. When calculating the economic efficiency, the highest net income indicators were after foliar top dressing with an organic microelement complex (OMEK).

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