
Relevance. Milk and milk products are key food products in Russia. The main raw material for the production of cheese as an important component of the diet of citizens is milk, the main source of which is cattle. The Holshire breed is common in the Urals. Studying its features and improving the quality of milk (and therefore dairy products) is an urgent task for the agro-industrial complex of Russia.Methods. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of dairy raw materials by seasons on technological parameters in the production of soft cheese.Results. As a result of the research, it was found that the best quality was a clot from cows' milk for the 3rd and 4th lactation. To obtain it, less calcium chloride and whey were spent than in the manufacture of cheeses from cows' milk according to the 1st and 2nd lactation. It should also be noted that the duration of operations for the formation of a clot and work with it, as well as for self-pressing, was shorter in cows' milk for the 3rd and 4th lactation. In the manufacture of «Adygeisky» cheese on the other side of the enterprise, due to the introduction of rennet, the clot improved and the duration of self-pressing decreased, which had a positive effect on the quality of the product. The peculiarities in the manufacture of fresh «Amateur» and «Table» cheeses have been established, namely, certain differences in some technological operations, their duration and quality indicators of the clot and the separated whey. Thus, milk differed in the consumption of calcium chloride, lactic acid starter culture and rennet. The lowest consumption of these components turned out to be in the manufacture of cheese from milk of age-and-age cows. The milk of cows of the Holstein breed of the Ural selection is suitable for processing into soft cheeses regardless of the season of the year. However, the best indicators of technological properties are found in the milk of age-and-age cows for the 3rd and 4th lactation.

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