
One of the main problems of modern building ceramics based on low-melting raw materials is the increased CaO content in the charge. This deviation from the normative values of the technological parameters of production leads to defects - underburning / overburning, quirks, looseness, low strength. Firing mode, molding parameters, addition of additives, preparation of raw materials are the factors for solving this problem. The Alekseevsk low-melting clay and the Yarmysh (Uzbekistan) loess-like loam were investigated, the destruction of the sample structure upon absorption of moisture from the CaO air was graphically modeled, the diagrams of the dependence of the fi ring temperature on the compressive strength were plott ed, the infl uence of molding and the fi neness of grinding of raw materials on the compressive strength and the nature of the formation of ceramic defects was derived.

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