
The aim of the study is to consider a method for improving the energy efficiency of the technological process of plasma recovering of turbine blades of CHP through the development and implementation of a three-way vortex mixer into the design of the plasma torch. By changing the operating parameters of the mixer, it is possible to adaptively control not only the recovery modes, but also the physical and mechanical properties of the coating. It has been established that structural changes in the technological elements of the plasmatron significantly change its structural characteristics, which leads to a change in the gas-dynamic processes occurring in it. The changes consist in the appearance of additional hydraulic and gas resistance to the flow of the carrier gas with the powder composition. Modernization of the plasmatron and optimization of technological regimes require a gas-dynamic calculation of each element of the gas-air path at the design stage. Studies of the principles of pressure distribution, flow rate, changes in the flow rate of the transporting gas and powder composition made it possible to design the optimal design of the plasmatron while retaining its technical characteristics, regulated by the GOST 4.140-85 standard «System of product quality indicators. Electric welding equipment. Nomenclature of indicators»

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