
For the management and sustainable use of natural bio-resources it is necessary to quantify and valorize this heritage. In the case of the floristic diversity of Acacia tortilis, the only natural woody stand in Bechar-Algeria, scanty studies have been undertaken. Hence in this study, the general overview of the flora diversity state in the 58 plots of 9 stations was made by the analysis of various indexes: Shannon, Simpson, species evenness, floristic richness, disturbance index, biological and biogeographically spectra. We listed 103 species belonging to 37 families and 85 genus, the important plants belonged to the Asteraceae and Brassicaceae. The most important species are: Pulicaria crispa, Asteriscus graveolens, Launea arborescens, Matricaria pubescens, Moricandia arvensis, Farsetia aegyptiaca, Zilla macroptera. The biological spectrum indicated a dominance of the Chamaephytes and the predominance of the Therophytes; the phytogeographic spectrum showed an important endemism (44%) in which 36% species belong to the SaharoArabian element; The Shannon, Simpson, and Evenness diversity indices, were relatively high, thereby indicating a diversity variation between the stations, witch increased South towards North. It was prominent in Zouzfana, Taghit, and Abadla stations, and the higher values of disturbance Index reflected the greater level of anthropization in these courses. The future accumulation of this regression, many risk loss of the last naturally wall of desertification, biodiversity, national economy and sand advancement. Therefore, it is recommended to apply pastures protection, pastoral charge control, and elaborate an environmental value of this species.

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