
High dilutions of solutions containing extremely small amounts of the initial substance can modify the biological effects of the initial substance molecules. Using terahertz spectroscopy, we studied the possibility of modifying the physicochemical properties of the initial substance by adding high dilutions of high-molecular-weight (IFNγ) and low-molecular-weight (Na2SO4) compounds. In addition, the modifying effect produced by high dilutions of a low-molecular electrolyte (a solution of Na2SO4 salt) on the initial substance was confirmed by conductometry. This method allows measuring electrical conductivity that also depends on the physicochemical properties of the solution, namely, the number of ions and velocity of their movement. Statistically significant differences were shown between terahertz and conductometric characteristics of the initial solution (inorganic salt Na2SO4 or a protein IFNγ) and a solution, where high dilutions of the same substances were added in different concentrations. Interestingly, the differences were more pronounced for the biological molecule. Thus, it has been shown that high dilutions can change the properties of the initial solution; the effect is more pronounced for the protein solution.

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