
During hydrobiological studies in the Nakhchivan territory, 15 species of midge larvae were found in macrozoobenthos of different types of water bodies. The Culicoides genus prevails by the number of species (10 species). The number of Culicoides nubeculosus and C. longicollislarvae in lakes, rivers, springs and small water bodies of the region amounted to 3-21 spec./m2. During the warm period of the year, these two similar in appearance larvae were permanent organisms of water bodies at all altitudinal belts of the region. The distribution pattern of larvae across altitudinal belts was established; the number of species and density per habitat unit decreased from lowlands to altitudinal zones. Water and air temperature are the main factors determining the seasonal dynamics of the development of midges larvae. Considering that Ceratopogonidae larvae lead an aquatic lifestyle and have a wide variety of breeding centers, it is preferable to carry out appropriate control measures against adult biting midges.

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