
The present paper deals with the study of the correlation of some growth parameters to 10 bioecotypes of dioecious hemp (Cannabis sativa L) at A.R.D.S. Lovrin. Ten bioecotypes were studied, four of which are established varieties created at A.R.D.S. Lovrin (Lovrin-110, Silvana, Armanca și Teodora) and six perspective lines (Zak-127xLv-110, Lv-428/01, S33/08 R, Lv-434x406CS/04, S354/15, Lv-149 CS/16). From the existing biological material, the dioecious hemp variety Silvana was chosen as a control. A monofactorial experience, having as a factor the existing biological material, was placed in the field of the laboratory for the improvement of dioecious hemp. The four parameters studied and presented are: the total length of the plant, the length of the inflorescence, the technical length and the diameter of the stem of the hemp plants, parameters that were influenced by the climatic conditions of the studied years 2020-2021. Compared to the blank variant, five of the six lines of perspective stand out in terms of the superiority of the technical length of the stem, two of them with very significant positive differences, statistically provided for the probability of transgression 0,1 %.

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