
The Uterus is the child bearing organ in female, situated in the pelvis between the bladder and rectum. The uterus can be divided into an upper part, consisting of the fundus and the greater part of the body and a lower part consisting of the body, and of the cervix. The upper narrow end is called the internal os and the narrow lower end is called the external os. The cavity of the uterus communicates with that of the vagina through the external os. The study aims to evaluate various terminologies related to the uterus and its parts in Ayurveda. Morphological considerations of various terminologies along with applied aspects with references were studied. The present study is designed to analyze the concept of the uterus from Ayurvedic classics and interpreted. Elucidated terminologies were analyzed from structural anatomy, dimensions, location, and applied aspects. Various terminologies are used to represent the Uterus and its parts which can be correlated as follows- Uterus: Yoni, Phalayoni, Garbhasaya , Garbhakosha, Kukshi, Kshetra. Cervix with External Os: Garbhamarga, Garbhachidra. Fallopian tube /Uterine tubes: Raktavahasrota, Artavahasrotamsi, Artavavahasrotas, Artavavahamarga. Blood Supply: Artavavahasrotamsi, Artavvahinyadhamani.

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