
The article provides a short overview of the application of metal nanoparticles in the textile indus- try, describes their properties and application`s fields. The definitions of electrification, electrostatic field, electric charge density are given. The application of processing of fabrics by polyurethane dispersion and metal nanoparticles in technological processes of textile materials finishing is justified. The objects of the study are cotton fabric`s samples with addition of synthetic fibres, colloidal solutions of silver and copper nanoparticles, aqueous polyurethane dispersion. The antistatic properties of the fabrics have been studied. The electrostatic field intensity of the samples was measured on the device ST-01, with the density of the electric charge calculating according to the intensity values. It has been experimentally established, that the processing of fabrics by solutions of nanoparticles of metals contributes to reduction of intensity of their electrostatic field to 65 %, compared with the initial samples. It is noted that treatment of fabrics by polyure- thane dispersion in combination with copper nanoparticles gives no clear antistatic properties to the blended fabrics.

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