
l:- Studies revealed that the maximum profit from fish production can be achieved by adoption of proper recommended technology. Extent of adoption of the recommended fish production is one of the main reason contributing to low fish production. To improve the adoption of fish production technology, it is necessary to assess its level existing at actual situation. The perusal of data overall average adoption of fish technology revealed that out of the total fish farmers, the highest proportion of the fish farmers 36.67 per cent have adopted medium level of overall average adoption of fish technology before FLD's followed by low adoption 35.00 per cent and high adoption 28.33 per cent of overall average adoption of fish technology before FLD's respectively. I. INTRODUCTION Fishing in India is a major industry in its coastal states, employing over 14 million people. Fish production in India has increased more than tenfold since its independence in 1947. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, fish output in India doubled between 1990 and 2010. India is a major supplier of fish in the world. In 2006 the country exported over 600,000 metric tonnes of fish, to some 90 countries, earning over $1.8 billion. Fisheries and aquaculture are important sources for food and livelihoods for people along the world's seashores and waterways and influence the livelihoods for long number of population. Fish production is not only an indispensable component of agriculture since long, but also the most suitable food production system that has enormous potential to improve the socio economic status of the large percentage of the rural population engaged in fishing business. India is the sixth largest producer (5477mt.) of fish in the world after China (39937 mt.), Peru (7878 mt.), Japan (7408 mt.), Chillie (6366 mt.) and USA (5493 mt.). The total world fish production is 130882 mt. India is the second largest producer in the world of inland fish, next to China. Indian fisheries have made great strides during last five decades with an annual production of about 7.0 million tonnes in 2013-14. Fish farming is a lucrative business that can mitigate poverty in the country if practiced by adopting the necessary technologies. It requires less expand of land and it can be practiced in both rural and urban areas within the country. It also requires less time for its management and hence can be practiced by virtually everybody including the youths, house wives, working class and retirees. Studies revealed that the maximum profit from fish production can be achieved by adoption of proper recommended technology. Extent of adoption of the recommended fish production is one of the main reason contributing to low fish production. To improve the adoption of fish production technology, it is necessary to assess its level existing at actual situation. Keeping the above facts in mind, the present study was designed to conduct and formulated for the study with following objective. Objective: To study the adoption of aquaculture on their socio economic status.

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