
It is necessary to repair the cracks in the concrete structure to prevent further damage that can lead to the collapse of the structure. Repairs can restore and increase the strength of structural elements so that they are able to withstand the load in accordance with the design load, finally further decisions can be made for the next function. The results of the flexural strength test of K-150 collapsed concrete beams 100% able to withstand a load of 58 kN, K-250 collapsed 100% able to withstand a load of 64.33 kN, K-150 coated with CRFP tensile part collapsed 100% able to withstand a load of 82 kN, K -250 is coated with CRFP, the tensile part collapses 100% able to withstand a load of 91.67 kN, the quality of K-250 collapses 60% is able to withstand a load of 39.17 kN. K-250 strength concrete beam collapsed 60% maximum CRFP repair able to withstand a load of 87.67 kN. For testing of concrete beams with f'c quality of 20.71 MPa, 100% collapse with a maximum average of 29.00 MPa. The flexural strength of the concrete beam with f'c quality is 20.71 MPa, 60% collapse with an average load of 19.00 MPa. For the flexural strength of the f'c 20.71 MPa concrete beam, improvements were made to be able to withstand an average load of 52.86 MPa. Analysis of the test results by increasing the area and CRFP can increase the bearing capacity of concrete blocks. If in a construction work there is a doubt from the user about the portal being built, then CRFP can increase its flexural strength.

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