
Experiment E735 collected data for ∼107 interactions at the C0 intersection of the Fermilab pp¯ collider with s=1.8 TeV. The Bose-Einstein correlations between pairs of identical pions were measured in a limited aperture spectrometer and used to estimate the size and lifetime of the source. The aperture shape limited the sensitivity primarily to the source dimension R along the incident pp¯ direction. Both this dimension and the lifetime appear to depend strongly on pion multiplicity. Efforts were also made to obtain some information on the transverse source size, energy density, and the dependence of source size and strength on dipion momentum. Fits to the entire data sample yielded a value R=1.06±0.07 fm for the average source dimension and a value τ=0.74±0.06 fm for the average source lifetime with 〈dNcdη〉=14.4.Received 5 October 1992DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.48.1931©1993 American Physical Society

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