
A 260 specimens of crisps & cakes were examined, represented by 26 kinds of crisps and 26 kinds of cakes. Each one repeated five times. They cultured on Nutrient agar and brain heart infusion agar, after the incubator period8 different types of Bacteria were diagnosed. In crisps, the more frequency was Bacillus sp. Then E. coli, candida, Klebsiealla , Diplococcus and others. Some Specimens without any microbes. Sixteen types of cakes were polluted with microbes .Also Bacillus sp. took the largest numbers then E. coli, Staph. sp. Strep.sp others respectively. Bacillus were more prevalence and frequency in both kinds of food, it may be for its availability in air, its tolerance to hard unsuitable conditions, formation of resistance spores. The Turkish cakes was suitable for eating, salt& vinegar crisps were empty of any microbe’s kind.

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