
Static random-access memory (SRAM), a pivotal component in integrated circuits, finds extensive applications and remains a focal point in the global research on single-event effects (SEEs). Prolonged exposure to irradiation, particularly the displacement damage effect (DD) induced by high-energy protons, poses a substantial threat to the performance of electronic devices. Additionally, the impact of proton displacement damage effects on the performance of a six-transistor SRAM with an asymmetric structure is not well understood. In this paper, we conducted an analysis of the impact and regularities of DD on the upset cross-sections of SRAM and simulated the single-event upset (SEU) characteristics of SRAM using the Monte Carlo method. The research findings reveal an overall increasing trend in upset cross-sections with the augmentation of proton energy. Notably, the effect of proton irradiation on the SEU cross-section is related to the storage state of SRAM. Due to the asymmetry in the distribution of sensitive regions during the storage of “0” and “1”, the impact of DD in the two initial states is not uniform. These findings can be used to identify the causes of SEU in memory devices.

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