
Aim: using oral stress kidney tests to reveal changes in renal function and water-electrolyte metabolism in divers with different initial resistance to hypoxic hypoxia.Materials and methods. 44 men were studied. All subjects were evaluated for their initial resistance to hypoxic hypoxia. Oral renal stress tests were performed to determine the status of kidney function.Results and their discussion. For the selection of divers, it is necessary to carry out oral stress tests with water, 10% potassium chloride solution and 7.5% calcium lactate solution. In divers with low and medium resistance to hypoxic hypoxia, there is a deterioration in the calcium and potassium uretic function of the kidneys after oral stress renal tests. The method for determining the resistance of divers to hypoxic hypoxia should be supplemented by the regularity developed by us.


  • Цель: c помощью пероральных нагрузочных почечных проб выявить изменения функций почек и водно-электролитного обмена у водолазов с разной исходной устойчивостью к гипоксической гипоксии

  • All subjects were evaluated for their initial resistance to hypoxic hypoxia

  • Oral ren al stress tests were performed to determine the status of kidney function

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Морская медицина

STUDY OF RENAL FUNCTION INDICES TO DETERMINE HYPOXIC HYPOXIA RESISTANCE IN DIVERS. Aim: using oral stress kidney tests to reveal changes in ren al function and water-electrolyte metabolism in divers with different initial resistance to hypoxic hypoxia. In divers with low and medium resistance to hypoxic hypoxia, there is a deterioration in the calcium and potassium uretic function of the kidneys after oral stress ren al tests. Для цитирования: Зверев Д.П., Мясников А.А., Шитов А.Ю., Андрусенко А.Н., Чернов В.И., Кленков И.Р., Исрафилов З.М. Исследование показателей функций почек для определения устойчивости водолазов к гипоксической гипоксии // Морская медицина. For citation: Zverev D.P., Myasnikov А.А., Shitov A.Yu., Andrusenko A.N., Chernov V.I., Klenkov I.R., Israfilov Z.M. Study of renal function indices to determine hypoxic hypoxia resistance in divers // Marine Medicine.

Marine medicine
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