
In Ayurvedic texts, the concept of Dhatu Sarta is related to the qualitative state of Dhatu of an individual. Sara, under tenfold examination, is another very important tool for the assessment of the biological strength of the in-dividual. Sara may be considered as an optimum degree of genetic code of an individual's D.N.A. with respect to particular Dhatu. In our body, every individual's D.N.A. has different genetic codes. So, it may be said that the quality of Dhatu an individual will depend upon a specific genetic code. If the genetic code of the individu-al’s D.N.A. with respect to Dhatu is optimum, the formation of thare particular Dhatu in the body will be of very good quality. Sarva Sara Purusa has the optimum degree of the genetic code with respect to all Dhatus. Rakta Sara Purusha Lakshanas indicates the sign of richness and the best essence of the blood tissue of a person. Acharya Charaka has advocated the examination of Sara in Dashavidha Pariksha to assess the bala (physical and psychological strength) of Rogi and to know the state of Dhatu and its functioning capacity. Sometimes in clinical practice, the physician may misinterpret the appearance of the body. The person with Sthula Sharir can be considered a strong person, and the person with Krisha Sharir can be considered a weak person. But factual-ly, it is observed that some persons who possess krisha sharir are strong enough to resist the adverse situation and vice versa. Hence, Sara's examination is very important prior to physical training, choice of job, intake of diet, and many more of the drugs in daily life to the individuals in clinical practice. Liver function tests, also known as liver chemistries, help to assess the liver's health by testing protein liver enzyme and bilirubin levels in the blood. Tests that are widely used to test liver irregularities include A.L.T., A.S.T., A.L.P., Albumin, Biliru-bin, etc. Sara's examination is very important prior to physical training, choice of job, intake of diet, and many more drugs in daily life to the individuals in clinical practice.

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