
Objective. To study psychosomatic health in adynamia in cyber addicts and students.Material and methods. 100 people at the stages 3-4 of cyber addiction underwent rehabilitation and reintegration into society, and 82% of them got employed. Surveys, research on autonomic balance, calculation of the health coefficient, and assessment of psycho-emotional state based on the characteristics of the HTP test, were conducted among 24 cyber addicts and 24 students.Results and discussion. The health coefficient of the cyber addicts averaged 2.38, while that of the students averaged The average emotional tension index is 10.53 for students and 10.63 for those with cyber addiction. Autonomic disorders were identified in the female subgroup of gamers using the Kerdo Students displayed normotonia. The Hildebrandt index for students averaged 4.51, while for those with cyber addiction it was 3.03. These indicators are within normal limits.Conclusion. The effectiveness of treatment methods for cyber addiction and the social rehabilitation of cyber addicts has been identified based on health coefficient A low level of this metric was observed in the control group. Students require such rehabilitation in the process of A comprehensive and informative set of tests has been selected to determine the psychosomatic health and adaptation of addicts and individuals who spend extended periods on the computer in a state of

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