
Optimal utilization of sago plants can provide large incomes to farm households. Generally in Indonesia sago is only used as a staple food for the daily life of the family as a companion to rice. However, some region in Indonesia uses sago as the main staple food source, such as in Maluku, Papua, parts of Sulawesi such as East Kolaka. The purpose of this study is to examine in depth the production and productivity of sago plants in the East Kolaka Regency. The study was conducted in the East Kolaka Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province in 2018. The respondents of this study were 203 sago farmers. The study uses a quantitative approach with a combination of survey methods with quantitative and qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results showed that sago production in East Kalimantan in each year ranged from 119 sacks/ year - 363 sacks/ year or equivalent to 2,161 kg / yr-6,606 kg /yr. The highest average sago starch production is in the Poniponiki village, which is 6,606 kg /yr. While the lowest production is in the Ladongi village, 2,161 kg/ yr. The highest productivity was found in Alaaha village, which was 7.7 tons /ha/ yr while the lowest productivity was 2.5 tons /ha/ yr in Ladongi village. Sago plant productivity in East Kalimantan shows quite good productivity for the condition of sago cultivation that is still extractive tautology. This shows that when sago plantations are used in the improvement of sago plant technology in East Kalimantan, they will provide productivity far higher than current production.

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