
Out of 500(Five Hundred) pregnancy cases 2 cases of Heterotopic pregnancies.(0.4%)(one tubal, one interstitial) were observed. who undergone Assisted Reproductive Technologies, like IVF, ET. Although transvaginal ultrasonography is performed but Heterotopic pregnancies were ambiguous in early period of pregnancy. As symptoms of normal intra-uterine pregnancy and Heterotopic pregnancy are same. Moreover B-hcG. Levels are also not helpful to differentiate the Hetrotopic pregnancy. As Heterotopic pregnancy is simultaneous occurrence of both intra uterine and Ectopic pregnancy. As it is diagnosed in later period of pregnancy there could be rapture of Falloppian tube may occur leading to life threatening consequences including hypovolmic shock, maternal mortality, fetal loss. If the Hypotopic mass is removed then also it is a great challenge to obstetrician and gynecologist to maintain the normal pregnancy of intra uterine.

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