
An experimental and thcorctical invcstigation of thc structure of planc undcrcxpandcd air jcts in watcr was conducted. To charactcrizc the structurc and mixing propcrtics of thcse jets, thc following mcasurcmcnts wcrc madc: void fraction profilcs, static pressure distributions, and cntrainment rates. Tcst conditions varicd from adaptcd sonic jcts to sonic undcrexpanded flow with underexpansion ratios (exit to ambient static prcssurc) as high as four. Flow visualization was also used to investigate jct boundaries, dynamics of discharge, and comprcssiblc wavc ficlds. A locally-homogcncous flow modcl (implying negligible velocity and tcmpcraturc diffcrcnccs bctwcen thc phascs) was dcvclopcd, with the external expansion rcprcscntcd by a simplc cquivalcnt adaptcd jct exit condition. I Sratic prcssurc mcasurcmcnts conlirmcd the prcscncc of a shock-wavc-containing cxtcrnal-cxpansion rcgion for undcrexpaiidcd air jets in water, similar to rcsults obscrvcd lor undcrcxpandcd air jcts in air. Thc void lraction profilcs wcrc two to thrcc timcs widcr than singlc-phasc jct scalar widths. This is a result of the strong scnsitivity of void fraction to mixing lcvcls causcd by thc largc dcnsity ratio of the phascs. Prcdictions of void fraction profilcs, jet half-widths and mass cntrainmcnt wcre encouraging, but performancc was found to bc scnsitivc to initial conditions and clfccts of largc-scalc unstcadincss.

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