
Ayurveda is an ancient science of life or longevity based on Indian philosophy. The main goal of which is to maintain health and cure the diseases. To achieve these goals, Ayurveda described swastha chatushka which includes Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Rules for taking aahar, Importance of natural urges. In dinacharya, they described daily routine activities in detail. These daily routine regimens have good physiological effects on the appropriate functioning of the body system thereby maintaining a normal equilibrium of three doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha, Sapta Dhatus (seven tissues), Mala (waste products of the body), and the Agni (power of digestion). The ayurvedic daily routine includes Snana (bath) every day in the morning after Abhyanga, Vyayama, Mardana, and Udvartana. Its daily and sensible use has a prime role in maintaining health. But still, its importance and practical utility are not fully recognized. Hence efforts are made to explain Snana in detail as described in Ayurvedic literature.

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