
Deaths by ligature have always been common in the society. The manner of death being suicidal, accidental or homicidal has always been a controversy faced by an autopsy surgeon. Due to the variability of the appearance of the external lesions in different mannerism of mechanical asphyxia's the autopsy surgeon is highly dependent upon the history and the circumstances of the death. This study was undertaken in an attempt to identify specific internal lesions in cases of ligature compression of neck. We studied 46 cases of suicidal hanging and 12 cases of ligature strangulation. All the internal lesions were categorized and their correlation was sought in various manner and mode of asphyxia. Strap muscle haemorrhages, laryngeal fractures and tongue bleed were found to be more prevalent in strangulation than hanging. Absence of external injuries points more towards the case being suicidal hanging.

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