
Aim: The study was conducted to provide baseline data on faecal parasites in groups of captive and free- living Non Human Primates of Gujarat state. Materials and Methods: Eighty two faecal samples from hanuman langur (Presbytis entellus) and fifteen samples from rhesus macaque were analysed from June, 2010 to March, 2011 using sedimentation technique as described by Georgi. Identification of parasitic ova was carried out as described by Soulsby (1982) and Wallach and Boever (1983). Results: Out of these 28 (34.14%) in hanuman langur and 6 (40.00%) in rhesus macaque, were found positive for the presence of total of six parasite species viz. Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Entaemoeba histolytica spp., Ascaris spp., Entamoeba coli, Spirometra spp. Conclusion: Incidence of parasitic infection was 34.14% and 40.00% in Hanuman Langur and Resus macaque respectively. The exchange of disease is a concern for wildlife living Non Human Primates of Gujarat state. conservation both outside and inside the boundaries of parks and reserves. The presence of tourists, researchers Materials and Methods and park personnel has created a situation that may About 15 gram of fresh stool (faeces) was facilitate disease transmission between humans, collected in 10% formalin from each out of 82 livestock and wildlife (1, 2). Though, some data is Hanuman langur (Presbytis entellus) and 15 Rhesus available on parasitic infection in captive Non Human macaque (Macaque mulatta) during the period of Primates, little or no population data exist for parasitic June, 2010 to March, 2011. The sample collection was infections of free living Non Human Primates. The done without disturbing the animals. The sample paucity of data, combined with ever increasing human collection of free living animals was carried out from encroachment into previously pristine areas of the forest areas of Mount Abu and Ambaji, Anand city Neotropical forest, has necessitated this study with the and surrounding areas, Gandhinagar city and primary objective to provide baseline data on the surrounding areas, Panchmahal district forest areas presence of faecal parasites in groups of Non Human (Ratanmahal, Jambugoda and Pavagadh), Patan city Primates from free living and captive areas of Gujarat and surroun-ding areas whereas sample collection of state. In the Gujarat state mainly two species hanuman captive animals was carried out from Indroda park, langur and rhesus macaque of Non Human Primates Gandhinagar, Kamla Nehru Zoological park, Sayaji are exist more frequently with a population of 100865 Baug Zoo- Baroda as well as from Jiv Daya Charitable and 6115, respectively (3). Trust, Ahmedabad of the Gujarat state. The study of parasitic infection will be useful in When an identified individual defecated, faeces understanding the prevalence of parasites as well as to was collected immediately and placed in a polythene control morbidity and mortality in captive and free container containing formalin as fixative. The samples living Non Human Primates of the state.

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