
The purpose of this paper is to optimize the tourism path to make the distance shorter. The article first constructed a model for tourism route planning and then used particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), and ant colony algorithms to solve the model separately. Finally, a simulation experiment was conducted on tourist attractions in the suburbs of Taiyuan City to compare the path optimization performance of the three algorithms. The three path optimization algorithms all converged during the process of finding the optimal path. Among them, the ant colony algorithm exhibited the fastest and most stable convergence, resulting in the smallest model fitness value. The travel route obtained through the ant colony algorithm had the shortest distance, and this algorithm required minimal time for optimization. The novelty of this article lies in the enumeration and description of various algorithms used for optimizing travel paths, as well as the comparison of three different travel route optimization algorithms through simulation experiments. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-02-012 Full Text: PDF

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