
In present work, many parameters have been computed using NuShellX@ MSU code for ground state bands of 20-30Mg isotopes. These parameters were root mean square of nuclear radius, major and minor of ellipsoid axises (a and b), as well as to the different between them(ΔR) deformation parameters (β2, δ), intrinsic quadrupole moment(Q0) and back bending phenomenon. Model space(sdpn) of (0d3/2,0d5/2 and 1s1/2) for protons and neutrons orbits and cwhcdpn interaction have been used to calculate above parameters. Effective charge of Bohr - Mottelson model has been used in this work. The results showed an brilliant agree with the obtainable investigational results all isotopes in this study. Also, the back bending phenomenon was well evident in our results for all isotopes used under study. In these calculations, new values have been theoretically designated for most parameters which were previously unknown in experimental information.

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