
In the past few years, much interest has been focused on the integrated care approach, where noise is seen as an element which can compromise the normal development of newborns in neonatal intensive care units. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology evaluating the impact of training of the nurses, regarding noise levels existent within the neonatal intensive units of an Ottawa regional hospital. The method consisted of continuous noise level measurements performed by a computer (type 1 sound level meter), pre- and posttraining. LAeq,1sec, as well as audio samples were recorded throughout eight work shifts. The average pretraining A-weighted noise levels were of 53, 61, and 65 dB, for the night, day, and evening shifts, respectively. These levels largely exceed the maximal A-weighted sound level of 45 dB, recommended by the World Health Organization to avoid negative effects on sleep. Throughout this study, it is likely that the training of nurses could contribute to the reduction of noise levels, but that interventions concerning noise control would also be necessary in order to ensure an acceptable sonorous ambiance for neonates requiring intensive care. [Work supported by University of Ottawa.]

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