
The solvation of ions in the soft sticky dipole-quadrupole-octupole (SSDQO) model for liquid water is presented here. This new potential energy function for liquid water describes water-water interactions by a Lennard-Jones term plus a sticky potential consisting of an approximate moment expansion with point dipole, quadrupole, and octupole moments. The SSDQO potential energy function using the moments from extended simple point charge (SPC/E), TIP3P, or TIP5P reproduces the pair potential energy functions and radial distribution functions of the respective multipoint model but it is much faster than even the three-point models. Here, the solvation of ions in SSDQO water is studied using ion-water potential energy functions consisting of moment expansions up to the charge-quadrupole term, up to the charge-octupole term, and up to an approximate charge-hexadecapole term using the moments of SPC/E water. The radial distributions from Monte Carlo simulations show the best agreement with the results for ions in SPC/E water for the expansion up to the charge-hexadecapole term. Thus, the best results are obtained when the water-water and ion-water potentials are exact up to the 1r(4) term and also contain an approximate 1r(5) term. Overall, the simplicity, efficiency, and accuracy of the SSDQO potential make it potentially very useful for computer simulations of aqueous solvation.

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